Property Building in Hilton Sibiu
Hilton Hotels & Resorts

Hilton Sibiu


Hilton Sibiuへようこそ!ここは贅沢と冒険が出会う場所です。美しいPadure Dumbrava Nr 1に位置するこの5つ星リゾートは、リラックスしながらもシビウの活気ある中心地からわずか2.9マイルの距離にある完璧な getaway です。料金はわずか$110から始まり、財布に優しい贅沢な体験をお楽しみいただけます。朝食では素晴らしい料理を楽しみ、毎朝息をのむような山と庭の景色を堪能してください。

アウトドア愛好者でもスパを求める方でも、Hilton Sibiuには誰もが楽しめるものがあります。スリリングなスキーで滑走したり、フィットネスセンターでのセッションの後に屋内プールでリラックスしたり—すべて無料です!少し贅沢なひとときを求める方には、リゾートが提供する豪華なスパとウェルネスパッケージで心を癒すことができます(もちろん追加料金がかかります)。敷地内のレストランで美味しい食事を楽しむか、テラスで日差しを浴びながらバーでドリンクを楽しむことをお忘れなく。

982の高評価を受けて、ゲストは無料Wi-Fi、ルームサービス、そして無限にリラックスできるトルコ式風呂などの広々としたアメニティについて絶賛しています!家族連れにはベビーシッターサービスや遊び場があり、ビジネス旅行者はビジネスセンターやバンケット施設を利用してスムーズに会議を行うことができます(追加料金がかかります)。何を待っているのですか?Hilton Sibiuで思い出を作りましょう!ここでは、訪れるたびに新しい冒険が待っています!

Property Building in Hilton Sibiu
Property Building in Hilton Sibiu



1 キングサイズベッド

Family Royal Suite



1 クイーンサイズベッド


1185 平方フィート







1 シングルベッド

ジュニアスイート, 2 シングルベッド



Hilton Sibiuでは、あらゆる瞬間に美食の喜びが待っています!特別な味を楽しむ気分ですか?居心地の良い雰囲気の中で、伝統的な地元料理があなたの味覚を踊らせるカマラ・ボイエルの豪華な料理を堪能してください。冒険心があるなら、鉄板焼き寿司&酒レストランが、まさにショーのようなインタラクティブな日本のダイニング体験を提供します。国際的なフレーバーを求めるなら、マドリガルへ行き、新鮮な食材と大胆な味が組み合わさった国際料理を楽しんでください。あなたが味わうすべての食事は、味覚のためのミニバケーションです!

リラックスしてリチャージしたいですか?大人専用の静かな屋内プールに逃げ込み、スプラッシュを楽しむか、心配を忘れてのんびり過ごすのに最適です!足が乾いたら、トルコ式風呂の心地よい魅力を発見してください。アクティブな一日の後にリラックスするのにぴったりの場所です。そして、トレーニングを受けたセラピストがあなたを癒すウェルネスパッケージで贅沢なスパトリートメントをお忘れなく。Hilton Sibiuで過ごす一瞬一瞬は、単なる快適さ以上の意味を持ちます。それは、リラクゼーションと再生の心に向かう素晴らしい旅です。

Property building, Restaurant/Places to Eat in Hilton Sibiu
Property Building in Hilton Sibiu


さまざまな宿泊施設が用意されているので、あなたのニーズに合った理想的なスペースが見つかります。快適なシングルルームでの一人旅や、ファミリー・ロイヤルスイートでの豪華な滞在を楽しむ家族旅行者など、誰にでも何かがあります!ジュニアスイートで内なる探検家を解き放つか、大統領スイートで贅沢を楽しんでください。ルームサービスや無料Wi-Fiなどの便利なサービスが追加されているので、物流を計画するのではなく、思い出を作ることに集中できます。さあ、荷物を詰めて、愛する人たちを連れて、Hilton Sibiuでの魔法を発見しに来てください。すべての瞬間が忘れられない思い出を作るためにデザインされています!

Bathroom in Hilton Sibiu
Bedroom, Seating Area in Hilton Sibiu










Spa and wellness centre/facilities in Hilton Sibiu
Spa and wellness centre/facilities in Hilton Sibiu


屋内の, 大人専用


Hot Tub, Swimming Pool in Hilton Sibiu
Pool view, Swimming Pool in Hilton Sibiu


Camara Boierului

伝統的な, ローカル



Teppanyaki Sushi & Sake


Dining area, Restaurant/Places to Eat in Hilton Sibiu
Dining area, Restaurant/Places to Eat in Hilton Sibiu
Property Building in Hilton Sibiu
The staff was very friendly and accomodating. We arrived late in the day but had no problems with the check-in. The rooms are a good size and each room has everything and anything you'd need for your vacation: a comfortable king-size bed, two very comfortable armchairs, a desk setup with a swivel chair, etc. The decor might not be to everyone's taste but there are plenty of pictures to get you ready for what you're getting. The spa is spectacular. There's a large swimming pool (suitable for kids as well, due to one end being more shallow), a jacuzzi, 4 different spas (Finnish, aromatherapy, infrared, steam), 2 relaxation rooms, a tea area, and several private massage rooms. I have mixed feelings (but positive) about the location because it's quite far from the city center (about a 10-15 minute drive) but it's very close to the Zoo and Astra Outdoors Museum. Overall I think it's still a great location, especially if you're looking for fresh air, quietness, and relaxation.


The hotel is local near the Zoo, which was perfect for us. We liked the pool , the elevators with glass walls and the friendly staff. Our room had 2 baths and access to Executive Lounge and we liked that. Breakfast was also good, although I would have appreciated more vegan options.


Exceptional. Not too close to the city, so if you like green scenery, forests etc. then this is the perfect spot. I also liked that I could park my car right in front of the hotel. Very nice and friendly staff, and a hotel I stayed at twice while traveling to Bucharest.


The Room was perfect! I didn't go this time for Breakfast, as it was closing too early at 10:30AM and preferred an early Lunch at "Camara Boierului". The Pool is very good as well.


The hotel was modern and comfortable, with a good breakfast. The facilities seemed good, with a well equipped spa and gym in the basement. The hotel staff were capable and friendly.


The staff was very friendly and accomodating. We arrived late in the day but had no problems with the check-in. The rooms are a good size and each room has everything and anything you'd need for your vacation: a comfortable king-size bed, two very comfortable armchairs, a desk setup with a swivel chair, etc. The decor might not be to everyone's taste but there are plenty of pictures to get you ready for what you're getting. The spa is spectacular. There's a large swimming pool (suitable for kids as well, due to one end being more shallow), a jacuzzi, 4 different spas (Finnish, aromatherapy, infrared, steam), 2 relaxation rooms, a tea area, and several private massage rooms. I have mixed feelings (but positive) about the location because it's quite far from the city center (about a 10-15 minute drive) but it's very close to the Zoo and Astra Outdoors Museum. Overall I think it's still a great location, especially if you're looking for fresh air, quietness, and relaxation.


The hotel is local near the Zoo, which was perfect for us. We liked the pool , the elevators with glass walls and the friendly staff. Our room had 2 baths and access to Executive Lounge and we liked that. Breakfast was also good, although I would have appreciated more vegan options.


Exceptional. Not too close to the city, so if you like green scenery, forests etc. then this is the perfect spot. I also liked that I could park my car right in front of the hotel. Very nice and friendly staff, and a hotel I stayed at twice while traveling to Bucharest.


The Room was perfect! I didn't go this time for Breakfast, as it was closing too early at 10:30AM and preferred an early Lunch at "Camara Boierului". The Pool is very good as well.


The hotel was modern and comfortable, with a good breakfast. The facilities seemed good, with a well equipped spa and gym in the basement. The hotel staff were capable and friendly.


The staff was very friendly and accomodating. We arrived late in the day but had no problems with the check-in. The rooms are a good size and each room has everything and anything you'd need for your vacation: a comfortable king-size bed, two very comfortable armchairs, a desk setup with a swivel chair, etc. The decor might not be to everyone's taste but there are plenty of pictures to get you ready for what you're getting. The spa is spectacular. There's a large swimming pool (suitable for kids as well, due to one end being more shallow), a jacuzzi, 4 different spas (Finnish, aromatherapy, infrared, steam), 2 relaxation rooms, a tea area, and several private massage rooms. I have mixed feelings (but positive) about the location because it's quite far from the city center (about a 10-15 minute drive) but it's very close to the Zoo and Astra Outdoors Museum. Overall I think it's still a great location, especially if you're looking for fresh air, quietness, and relaxation.


The hotel is local near the Zoo, which was perfect for us. We liked the pool , the elevators with glass walls and the friendly staff. Our room had 2 baths and access to Executive Lounge and we liked that. Breakfast was also good, although I would have appreciated more vegan options.


Exceptional. Not too close to the city, so if you like green scenery, forests etc. then this is the perfect spot. I also liked that I could park my car right in front of the hotel. Very nice and friendly staff, and a hotel I stayed at twice while traveling to Bucharest.


The Room was perfect! I didn't go this time for Breakfast, as it was closing too early at 10:30AM and preferred an early Lunch at "Camara Boierului". The Pool is very good as well.


The hotel was modern and comfortable, with a good breakfast. The facilities seemed good, with a well equipped spa and gym in the basement. The hotel staff were capable and friendly.



Padure Dumbrava Nr 1., Sibiu, 550399, ルーマニア

Hilton Sibiu